Whether you do it intentionally or you’re oblivious to it, you have a reputation.  It’s built with every word you say and action you take.


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Was recently messaged by someone that I’d never met before (image #1). They were appreciative of the opportunity to follow and learn about SEO. He found me through a recommendation on a forum. A forum that I’ve never participated in.

Replied with gratitude for the kind words and asked if he could send a screenshot or the link to the forum thread.  Was a thread full of people sharing resources to learn from the best. I was mentioned. (#2)

Beyond the obvious of being mentioned, I was grateful for WHY I was mentioned. Not just because of the track record of results I’ve earned, but because they “really like [Damon’s] human approach to SEO.”

In one of the most technical forms or marketing, the human element is what resonates most.  Think I built a million dollar business by dumping ad money down the drain, kissing ass and talking big? Total opposite.

Be humble, keep your head down, prove your worth and help people. The rewards of your reputation are waiting.

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