A few years ago I made national news when I made a donation to pay off a county’s past due school lunch balances.

SEO donation

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More amazingly (that’s a word, right?), little did I know that decision would continue inspiring people years down the road.

One of those messages of inspiration came last night, ironically, less than one hour after I posted about how you, as one person, can change the world by inspiring others.

Then I received this text message and pics.

“I just want to tell you. You are someone I look up to and have been inspired by.

Ever since I saw what you did years ago with the school lunches (not to mention everything you have helped [my business with] over the years.

Here are some pictures that you can be proud of, simply because of your leadership and willingness to help others…”

I don’t know that I’ll ever get over this type of impact. Part of me simplifies my daily avatar to being just a guy in an office chair. A dad and a husband that cares.

I just want others to win and be happy.

It’s a blessing to bless others.

Keep changing the world, my friends.

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