Creating and promoting good products or services may not be enough to ensure the success of your business. It’s critical that you connect with your customers in order to keep them coming back for more. Successful businesses create a bond with their customers by incorporating personal touches into the sales process.

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Model the “corner store”
Picture the corner store in Small Town, USA where the guy behind the counter knows your name and the products that you love. No matter how big your business is, you can always use that corner store as the model for how you treat your customers. Learn a thing or two about your patrons and inquire about them in conversations. Personal touches such as this go a long way in building customer loyalty.
Communicate effectively
People today communicate through texts and emails. These methods are efficient, but they leave a lot of room for misunderstandings. When customers have concerns or complaints, there’s no substitute for a phone call or a face-to-face meeting.
Court your clients
When you dated your significant other, you probably invested a lot of effort into getting to know them better and building the relationship little-by-little. You can think of developing customer relationships in a similar way. Throw in some discounts and deals to keep things exciting.
Say thank you
Everyone wants to feel appreciated. When customers buy even a small item from your company, show that you are grateful for their purchase. If you cannot thank them personally, send a thank you note or email.
Your business will have a better chance of growing if you treat your customers right. Dollar signs are nice, but people are more important. Your clients will be drawn to your company when they feel that you respect them as individuals.