Sometimes you work so hard that you forget why you work so hard.

  • Family
  • Freedom
  • Financial

Family is always at the front of my mind.

Myself, I tend to forget at the bottom.

Think I’ve built such a muscle memory of constant momentum that it’s hard for me to intentionally stop.

Luckily, prioritizing family helps. By having family things I always say yes to, it forces me to say no to some work things.

Today was one of those days. I always chaperone my kids field trips.

Today we hit three places, the waste sorting facility, the landfill, and sewage treatment plant.

Not the sexiest of places, but it was 9 am -2 pm with my son.

When we got off the bus, he hugged me and said “thank you.” That’s the winner.

I also had therapy scheduled at 2pm, but no way I’d make it. Emailed my therapist weeks ago when I found out and we did 2:45 pm – 5:45 pm instead.

Three hours. Wild, right?

But I got every 4-6 weeks for the last two years.

I always tackle things head on. But two years ago I had something I couldn’t get out of my head. So I looked for someone that could help me.

Heard finding the right therapist is like dating. Like you have to experience a few before you find the right match.

I got lucky. Amazing therapist first shot.

She only does three hour “intensives.” Only wants serious people.

Day one, vomit my background on her.

Day two, got the issue out of my head.

Haven’t had any significant specific needs to go back since, but I do.

It’s been awesome to have a neutral place to go unload on someone that can mirror back on an intelligent level and help you unpack all the amazing things I’m trying to accomplish, professionally and personally.

Then straight from therapy to dinner with a friend I’ve known since I was 12. Few years to we started going to dinner every 6 weeks.

Knowing someone that long is almost like another form of therapy. A relationship like that is also an amazing, neutral place to mentally unload.

But you get the added bonus of them knowing where you’ve come from to get to where you are, and understand your drive behind where you’re going next.

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Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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