What if you could get your message in front 11,000 people?

For free…

And 273 were CEO’s, 256 were Founders, and 265 were Marketing Specialists?

The attached screenshot is from a post I made less than two weeks ago that was viewed by over 11,000 people.  10,000 of those views were in the first 4 days. 📈

share your voice

The post didn’t sell anything.  It didn’t even mention what I do.

But it did give readers a view into my personality. 🧔🏻

We’re all oversold these days.  It seems like you’re bombarded with a sales pitch everywhere you turn.

And people are tired of it.

The best way to connect with your audience these days is to be real.  Be transparent.  Be human.

When you speak your mind on social media you help so many other people that you would never know are listening.

I even had my 7th grade locker partner reach out last month. 😳

He told me that he loves my positive posts and he’s proud to know the person that I’ve become. ☺️

Help yourself by helping others.

Speak your mind.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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