How cool is this? Was in Mexico with Russell Brunson and found out Kiana Danial is hosting her mastermind retreat at the same exclusive resort.

Actually met Kiana in Russell’s Inner Circle a year or two ago. She teaches women how to break false beliefs and pursue their financial dreams, and she’s just the nicest.

After connecting in Mexico, had the opportunity to present to her group in person and allll the others streaming online about how to increase your organic traffic.  This makes the second time I’ve spoken internationally on SEO in Mexico.

speaker SEO international

Favorite part more than impacting and inspiring others… invited my wife and kids.

Hottie took these pics as her and our kids got to watch from the back of the room as I talked about how much I love them, and how sharing what you love online inspires others, and invites customers into your ecosystem.

Kids got to finally see dad speak in-person. My teenager said “you’re sigma, Dad.”

I know it’s a compliment, but don’t know what it means otherwise. 😆

international SEO speaker

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