On average, I onboard “only” 10-15 new clients a year. A YEAR. While other marketing agencies do that in a month, I still make 7 figures more than most of them.

The answer to more revenue often isn’t more marketing and sales. It’s preventing loss of existing clients.

How?  Retention.

I focus on actually fulfilling a good product to deliver good results.

Do I have 100% success? No.  But 90% success is better than 10% results.

I know agencies whose model is literally to just outpace churn by 10%. Then, they’re “always growing.”

What a horrible model.  What a disrespect to the client to matter only until the next client signs up behind them.

That’s not an agency, that’s just shy of an MLM.

While my average retention is years, for every 100 clients the other guys gain, they lose 90.  The compounding difference just from a numbers perspective keeps me ahead.  But the multiplier of trust and respect = referrals.

Add in the other guys cost to acquire a lead vs earning business for free, and integrity creates and unbeatable, profitable model.

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