For the last 4’ish years, started taking naps mid-day.  But I’d just do it in between appointments and Zooms, with no recurring specific time.

nap Sometimes as early as 10 am. Other times 3pm.  Because, I “couldn’t” schedule a nap.  “Had” to keep that time open for work.  This weekend I realized, “What am I doing?”

  • People rag on you when you’re broke.
  • They rag on you when you’ve made it.
  • “Not normal” when you’re grinding.
  • “Lazy” when you’re tired.
  • They rag when you’re down.
  • They rag when you’re up.

But, this is why I busted my ass for 17 years.  Freedom.  It’s here. It’s arrived. I’ve earned it.

That’s it… noon – 1pm is now blocked every day for naps.  The entirety of Fridays, too.  No more meetings.

Actually taking Fridays off is a whole other story.  That’ll take some time for me to lean into, because I love what I do. For now, just a productivity block so I can focus on focusing.

But now also an open door in the future for perpetual 3 day weekends.

There are no limits other than the ones you surrender to or create yourself. ⛓️‍💥

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