Top of Google News in One Hour

Top of Google News in One Hour

Submitted an announcement and it’s live at the top of Google News for my name in just about one hour. I’ll show you how. No fake credibility. No third parties that you pay thousands of dollars to. In some circumstances, you can do this for as little as $50. You...
SEO Live Training

SEO Live Training

Anyone want early access to the new SEO training I was telling Russell Brunson about? Russell and I were talking abou a project I’ve been working, taking my 17 years of SEO experience and building it into one of the most in-depth trainings on search engine...
Welcoming Magnetic Marketing

Welcoming Magnetic Marketing

Welcoming Magnetic Marketing to the SEO National family today is a trifecta of these legends and legacies in marketing and mindset that we get to do search engine optimization for … Tony Robbins Russell Brunson Dan Kennedy What a story, too. Brunson recently bought...
Speaking SEO in Mexico

Speaking SEO in Mexico

How cool is this? Was in Mexico with Russell Brunson and found out Kiana Danial is hosting her mastermind retreat at the same exclusive resort. Actually met Kiana in Russell’s Inner Circle a year or two ago. She teaches women how to break false beliefs and...
ClickFunnels SEO

ClickFunnels SEO

Everyone says you can’t use ClickFunnels for SEO. So, I did a test to prove them wrong. I get why people say you can’t use CF for SEO. 1 – It was built for funnels. Can’t blame a fish for not being able to fly like a bird. They’re built...

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