Private Day with Russell Brunson

Private Day with Russell Brunson

Two years ago I joined his mastermind, Inner Circle. Both years, I’ve been given awards within the mastermind. Last year, I authored a chapter with him in what became a best-selling book. Now I fly out to spend a private day with Russell Brunson.  I know what...

Who are you?

The last few months, every chance I get, on every platform, to every successful person I meet, I ask “Have you found who you are?”  Because I’m trying to answer that myself, and I’m curious the paths that others have been on. Asked Kevin...
Kids First

Kids First

I remember sitting in the living room of me and my wife’s first house.  I had just quit my day job and started my business.  And, she had about a month left before our first kid would be born. I remember telling myself two things 1) “Grind it out now, so I...
Got a kid-free night out with Hottie.

Got a kid-free night out with Hottie.

Surprised her with tickets to the “O” show and a Huracán for the weekend in Vegas. The unscripted parts of the trip were the funnest. Randomly driving around and seeing the Palms building was an awesome memory. Next year will be 20 years since we flew to...
Want to build a world class business?

Want to build a world class business?

Want to build a world class team? Be a world class leader. Live by example. Trust first. Give first. Take care of your people, even the “smallest” of employees or even contractors. They’re not “expenses,” they’re investments that pay big...

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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