Communication Skills for Dummies

Communication Skills for Dummies

You can probably think of a boss or two throughout your working experience who was a terrible communicator.  My example?  One of the last jobs I had before starting SEO National included a boss that talked over you, cut your conversations short, had no hesitations...
How Can I Start my Business with Limited Funding?

How Can I Start my Business with Limited Funding?

If you have a great business idea rattling around in your head but not much capital to fund it, you may be wondering if you should wait until you have more financial reserves or pursue funding. Though the answer to this question will vary wildly depending on who you...
Met a friend for the first time, 13 years later

Met a friend for the first time, 13 years later

Earned a new friend on August 1, 2007.  But I wouldn’t meet him in person until nearly 13 years later. I don’t know how he found me, but he was the first customer that ever called me that wasn’t referred by another existing client.  He was one of the...

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