Client’s paid agency has increased budget by ~20%+ to compete with increased competitor ad spend during the holidays. But traffic is down 19%.

SEO is still the same, just $4k/month but they’re up 50% in the last 90 days.

Paid is a dollar in, dollar and change out.  Organic is exponential, dollar in, thousands of dollars out.

SEO has added 36,197 visitors in the last 90 days.

Their transaction occurs offline, so let’s assume a low 1% conversion rate.

Their low ticket is $50k. Their high is $250k+.

Let’s go low on traffic converting to leads and say 3%. That’s 1,085 leads.

Then let’s go low on those leads converting to sales at 1%. That’s 11 deals.

11 deals X $50,000 = $555,000 in sales off $12k in SEO.

$538,000 profit for a 46X+ ROI… on the low end. 🤑

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