Some of you are out their trading your integrity for business.  Doing every desperate thing for a deal or exposure.

Here’s a screenshot from a feature and backlink from Dennis Yu’s BlitzMetrics.  Kind words + SEO value backlink.  And I never asked for it.

Dennis Yu SEO

[click to enlarge]

The exposure came about because I made a post helping people with ideas about client acquisition.  Dennis liked it and asked if he could share and elaborate upon it.  I said yes.

Next thing I know there’s ~2,000 word SEO article expanding on the client acquisition topic, a pic and mention of me, as well as two backlinks.

  • Had I not given the free advice, Dennis wouldn’t have seen and appreciated it.
  • Had he not seen it, he wouldn’t have been inspired by the topic.
  • Had Dennis not been inspired, he wouldn’t have asked to share it.
  • Had I declined his ask to repurpose it the world wouldn’t have come full circle to share the love.

Other people aren’t competition unless you think they are.  Instead, they’re opportunities to support each other.

Dennis is a “direct competitor,” but I gladly endorse and refer people to his company, as he does in return.

Do yourself and the people around you a favor, stop the desperation, and start helping people.  You’ll get the financial reward you’re seeking, but better yet you’ll find personal peace and reward.

Join the cool kids

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