What an experience being interviewed by Cal Fussman.  Podcast went in an interesting direction. Reasons NOT to use AI in SEO.

Seeing others he has interviewed in the screenshot, he’s a walking legend. And that was just the first page of people he’s interviewed.

SEO podcast

[click to enlarge]

I’m not anti-AI. Just anti-quantity-over-quality. More importantly, anti-lazy.

Cal picked up on that topic because of a basic reply I gave that was opposite of everyone else’s “AI everything!”  Made him curious so he dug.

And dug more.

And dug more.

Then, as he said, “Starting to see how your brain works…” And then went deep into the value of relatability and human connection.

🛎️ ding 🛎️ ding 🛎️ ding

That’s the key.  That’s the opposite value of AI that’s being missed.  Sharing stories only you could tell.  Sharing your unique experiences.

Not being perfectly polished.  Give me that. And that’s what your customers and audience want, too. Being vulnerable.

It’s what’s built me a multi-million dollar business, and I’m more confident than not that being human will benefit you as well.

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