Submitted an announcement and it’s live at the top of Google News for my name in just about one hour. I’ll show you how.

  • No fake credibility.
  • No third parties that you pay thousands of dollars to.
  • In some circumstances, you can do this for as little as $50.

You can do this for your product, service, personal brand, company name, training and events (like I did).

live SEO training

Here’s how…

First, you have to follow certain guidelines in your content. Google doesn’t want spam.  The goal is to educate, not directly sell. This creates authority, which indirectly sells.

Before I show you where to submit your announcement, here’s how to format it to increase your chances of being featured.

1️⃣ First Paragraph

Start your press release by summarizing the big news you’re sharing. Introduce yourself or your company, explain why you’re an expert on the topic, and if possible, include a cool fact or statistic to grab attention.

2️⃣ Second Paragraph

Explain why your news is important. You can do this by adding a quote from someone important or a testimonial that supports your announcement.

3️⃣ Third Paragraph

Now it’s time to dive into the details. Provide more information, facts, or supporting data about your announcement. You can also mention how many people are involved, how big companies use your product or service, or any other notable mentions.

4️⃣ Fourth Paragraph

Add another powerful quote or testimonial here to strengthen your message.

➡️ Final Paragraph

Wrap things up by summarizing everything you’ve discussed. Reintroduce yourself or your company and provide contact details or a call-to-action so readers know how to reach out for more information.

Once your press release is ready, don’t submit it to free PR sites. They’re trash. Unless you like to get no reach, and show up next to “news” about little blue pills and knock-off Nike shoes and Gucci bags.

A cost effective site to submit to is called PRunderground. They’re cheaper than nearly every other site, and guarantee Google News distribution if you follow the guidelines.

Avoid submission sites that claim a bigger reach but use fake sites to inflate that reach. Also avoid submitting to multiple sites. Stick to one that distributes to Google News to avoid duplicate content issues.

Keep in mind that most press releases aren’t going to make your phone ring off the hook directly, but if your announcement is indexed by search engines it can support your website’s credibility. And when your website is more of an authority, it shows up for organic searches and lifts visibility that way.

After your Google News is published, take screenshots, write a blog post about it (like this), and share it on social media. The real benefit comes from how you leverage the exposure you’ve gained.

I’m teaching more direct, powerful, actionable strategies like this at my live SEO training on Sept 12 – 13.

They’re strategies I use for Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, professional sports teams, major retailers, and even small businesses I’ve supported in growing from tens of thousands a year to millions over the last 17 years running an SEO agency.

Registration Info Here

Tickets are available for an in-person experience with me personally at Utah’s beautiful Station Park in Farmington, or virtually on Zoom.

The in-person already sold out original capacity, so I rented a larger venue and opened up 10 more seats. Four of them have already sold, so six are left.

Who this is for:

  • Entrepreneurs and business owners wanting to increase their visibility on search engines.
  • Agencies wanting to offer SEO or expand their knowledge to improve their SEO processes.
  • 9-to-5 employees wanting to advance their SEO skills for potential advancements or opportunities.

Register before August 15th and you also save $500 before tickets increase so I can start locking in head count.

You also get a +1 for free, or to split the cost with.

Registration Info Here

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