Let my 12 year old bike to the gas station with his friends the other day. It’s across town, passing busy roads.

Later in the day, I let him go to the local roller coaster amusement park, also by himself, to hang out with a friend.

The busy roads will always make me a tiny nervous, but I taught him and I trust him. And, the required, unrealistic parental fear of him getting yeeted off of a roller coaster floats by in my head. 😆

It was hard not to call him, because I love that kid. He’s my little friend, and when he’s not with his friends, me and him are doing fun things together. But I gave him his space.

When he came home for the day, first thing he did was come straight to me and gave me a big hug.

He told me about his day. Love listening to him talk.

After a while hanging out, it was time for bed. We hugged and said goodnight.

Lately, I’ve found myself sending him a message after we say goodnight. I’ll tell him thanks for talking or how proud I am of something he did that day.
In my head, it’s like a bonus positive thing for him as he falls asleep.

I messaged, “Thanks for always giving me hugs,” and attached was his reply.

trusting your kid

Where he mentioned “thank you for always letting me do everything” meant a lot.  I wouldn’t say he can “do everything,” but glad I’ve struck the balance where he feels like that.

He’s already slowly slipping away into adulthood, and that’s why I let him do things. To teach him independence.  Kids reciprocate trust with love.

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