Just had an awesome podcast recording with a new friend, Bunny Young; seven figures while working only 10 hours a week.

But I admire something much greater than that financial accomplishment.

We talked about parenthood, balancing business ownership with mom/dad life. Before we even hit record she talked about how she had just 45 minutes before going into mom mode to pick up her kid before a snow storm that’s rolling in soon where she’s at.  I told her I get it and we’d keep the recording under that.

Bunny Young

Then she gave me the opportunity to share my dad story for the last 24 hours, my son being sick. Late night with him, then having to get up early for other things. Both of us low on sleep.  And we totally hit it off like good friends once we hit record.

Why? Because we were NOT robotic, everything-is-always-sunny business owners. We talked about the suck in life. Makes you relatable.  And as we hung up, we talked about the potential of meeting in person when she heads this way later in the year.

Quit all the BS highlight reels. Yes, humble brag and share your well-deserved accomplishments. But 24/7? Come on. It’s too fake, and everyone knows it.

Want to get ahead? Be real.  I’ve had more referrals, introductions, business deals, and, more importantly, friendships come from talking about reality than about being a baller.

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