Few years back I met Seth Godin, the month I finished writing my best selling SEO book Outrank.  Was at a mastermind and knew Seth would be there.

I had a draft copy of Outrank in my bag that I was marking up for final edits. When it was Seth’s turn to speak I waited in the hall.  The mastermind was a small, intimate event. Less than 100 people. While everyone else rushed to find a seat, I realized there was no back room entrance.

So I hung out in the hall ahead of him speaking, knowing I’d see him.  Sure enough, I was the only one outside and got 5 minutes of one-on-one time with him.

Had him sign his Purple Cow book, and This is Marketing.  Then I asked if he’d sign the draft copy of Outrank.

He asked if I wrote it.

I replied, “yes.”

To which he replied, “Then you sign it.”

Fair enough. 😆

After our talk he went into the room and presented. Few minutes in he complimented my beard. No joke.  In front of the crowd he talked about how there’s something with Utah and great beards, then pointed to me and referenced our chat. 😂

Damon Burton and Seth Godin

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